Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Personal 3

我爱你 ...................... [wo ai ni]  : I love you

吃饱了吗....................[chi bao le ma] : have u eaten?

谢谢你........................[xie xie ni] : Thank You.

你好吗........................[ ni hao ma] : How are You?

你来自哪里................[ni lai zi na li] : Where are u from?

Computer Application 2

 Nowsaday online social networking expanded exponentially , with the biggest names in social media such as Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and SnapChat. We all enjoy keeping up with friends and family on social media but we have to be aware of our privacy and security when we do.


   Privacy is a limit on government power, as well as the power of private sector companies. The more someone knows about us , the more power they can over us.Personal data is used to make extremely important decision in our lives. Personal data can be used to affect our reputations and it can be used to influenced our decision and shape our behavior . It can be used as a tool to exercise control over us.And in the wrong hands, personal data can be used to cause us great harm.


  Usage of social media using the work place network by the employees makes it prone to viruses and malware attack . This is a serious issue and poses a great threat to the security of confidential data across the organisation . User login credentials , customer information and other sensitive information that these malweres decode could easily take a toll on the organisation's reputation making it lose customer trust.By clearly educating employees to restrict the usage of social media and not fall a prey to click bait links , you can prevent such mishaps that could potentially happen to your company.


    A copyright protects the owner of one kind of intellectual property. Only certain kinds of works which fall within the U.S Copyright Act can be copyrighted. The copyright process has become fairly simple with traditional works like books , plays , movies , and theater . But copyright is a little more difficult with the advent of the internet.For example ,blogger must be aware of what they write to avoid copyright .And before you use an image from the internet you need to be sure to get a license of public domain image.This article looks specifically at various social media sites and their copyright policies.


   Green Computing is important because it keeps the world cleaner. It saves our natural resource that we need to survive . If green computing was never developed , the world would be dirtier than it already is . It also makes our electronic devices work more efficiently and last longer.It teaches people how to be grateful about what they have to take it for granted. Most of the people don't appreciate all the things that they have that other people would never dream of having. For example : computer , television and laptop .

Computer Application 3

There are no any improvement for this course.The lecture teaches me a lot of new knowledge and skills.She will explain patiently what we don't understand .

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Computer Application 1

Evolution of internet and web application

    The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals.The internet started as an experiment in the late 1960s by the ARPA.The US Department of Defense developed a project called ARPANET, it was developed to survive nuclear attack. ARPANET consisted of 4 main computers located at University of California, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara , The Stanford Research Institute , University of Utah. Each of these computers severed as a host on the network, commonly today known as server.

    The first networking protocol used on the ARPANET was the Network Control Program.In 1983,it was replaced with TCP/IP protocol invented by Robert Kahn, Vinton Cerf and others,which quickly became most widely used network protocol in the world. TCP/IP is a suite of communication protocol used to interconnect network devices on the internet. It specifies how data is exchange over the internet by providing end-to-end communication that identify how it should be broken into packets , addressed , transmitted, routed and received at destination.

     In 1990 , the ARPANET was retired and transferred to the NSFNET . The NSFNET was soon connected to the CSNET , which linked Universities around North America , and then to EUNET, which connected research facilities in Europe . Thanks in part to the NSF's enlightened management, and fueled by the popularity of the web, the used of internet exploded after 1990, causing the US government to transfer management to independent  organization starting in 1995.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Personal 2

  The place that I love in Malysia is Pulau Redang.Pulau Redang is a amazing Island which is one of the most popular holiday destination in Malaysia.Pulau Redang located 45km offshore of Terengganu .This archipelago is abounds with marvelous marine fishes,turtles and coral reefs ensuring a great snorkeling and scuba driving experience. Apart from that, we can also carry out various of activities such as banana boat riding , sea kayaking and beach volleyball. There is a destination that can enjoy your time and a good place for vacation.

Image result for nasi lemak

As we know Malaysia is a food paradise.We have roti canai, laksa, prawn mee and char koay toew.Among all the food ,Nasi Lemak is my most favorite food. Nasi Lemak is a Malay fragrant dish a rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf.Nasi Lemak usually severed with anchovies,peanuts,boiled egg,sambal and cucumber.I think sambal is the most essential part of Nasi Lemak because I love food that is hot and spicy.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Personal 1

Hi all ,my name Jason.I'm eighteen years old and I just graduated from my high school. Now, I continue my journey by studying in a local famous private university , UCSI University. It located at Kuala Lumpur which very far away from my hometown Johor. I'm taking the course Diploma Electrical and Electronic.

I have many hobbies such as drawing ,swimming,and reading but the most favorite one is Taekwondo. I learn Taekwondo since I was small till now. It is a sport which can help me to release stress and meet new friends.Recently, I join Taekwondo club UCSI. All of  the members are passionate and friendly.